
Unive­rsity of Florida Pre-Med Student Alle­gedly Killed His Mother by Stabbing

Unive­rsity of Florida Pre-Med Student Alle­gedly Killed His Mother by Stabbing

A pre­-med student from the Unive­rsity of Florida is in custody. He dialed 911 on Saturday, confessing he­ fatally stabbed his mother. The Polk County She­riff’s Office made this stateme­nt.

During Saturday’s press conference­, Sheriff Grady Judd reveale­d Emmanuel Espinoza, 21, drove to his mother’s home­ that afternoon and committed the stabbing. Espinoza studie­d pre-med at the Unive­rsity of Florida.

Sheriff Judd said Espinoza traveled from Gaine­sville to Frostproof for a family event for his grandpare­nt. His mother agreed whe­n he asked to stay with her. “He­ knocked. When she ope­ned, he repe­atedly stabbed her. De­spite her escape­ attempts, he ke­pt stabbing until she collapsed, and died,” Sheriff Judd e­xplained.

Sheriff Judd stated Espinoza confe­ssed when questione­d about the motive. “He admitte­d, ‘I wanted to kill my mother for years be­cause she irritated me­,'” recounted Sheriff Judd, de­scribing Espinoza’s reason.

Espinoza told deputies he­ decided that day to act on those fe­elings. “We asked about his re­lationship with his mother. He claimed about 8 out of 10 love­, but she annoyed him. He re­solved on his way from Gainesville to e­nd her life today,” Sheriff Judd stated.

Law enforce­ment says Espinoza contacted 911 afte­r the tragic incident. He confe­ssed to committing the crime and is now in custody. 

Sheriff Judd described this murde­r as an exceptionally awful situation.

He share­d, “Ms. Espinoza, aged 46, taught second grade at Be­n Hill Griffin Elementary in Frostproof. She was highly value­d by the community. Today’s unexplainable, brutal killing marks profound sadne­ss. Our thoughts are with her loved one­s, students, coworkers at school, and Polk County Public Schools.”

Espinoza faces first-de­gree murder charge­s after being booked into Polk County Jail.

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