
9 Free Online Medical Billing and Coding Certification Programs

Free Online Medical Billing and Coding Certification Programs
Free Online Medical Billing and Coding Certification Programs

If you are looking for free online medical billing and coding certification programs, we are here to give you information on free online medical billing and coding certification programs. These programs give you excellent job opportunities in the medical field.

Certification programs for medical billing and coding are educational courses designed to equip students with the essential skills needed for healthcare administrative roles. These programs focus on teaching accurate coding of medical procedures, managing medical billing processes, and diagnosing insurance claims.

Free online medical billing and coding certification programs make it convenient for individuals to pursue these certifications and prepare for careers in the field of medical billing and coding. Here, we offer 5 best free online medical billing and coding certifications.

Key Takeaways

  • Free online medical billing and coding certification programs are a great way to learn about medical billing and coding without spending a lot of money.
  • These programs are flexible, so you can learn at your own pace.
  • There are many programs available, so you can find one that covers the topics you’re interested in.
  • Some programs offer certificates of completion, but you may need to pay a fee to get certified.
  • Medical billing and coding is a challenging field, but it can be a rewarding career.
  • Free online programs are a good starting point, but you may eventually want to take a paid course to get a more comprehensive education.

What are Medical Billing and Coding Programs?

A medical billing and coding program te­aches people how to assign codes to medical se­rvices. It also shows them how to manage billing in he­althcare settings.

These­ programs are for people who want a he­althcare career but don’t want to work dire­ctly with patients. Instead, they pre­fer behind-the-sce­nes support roles.

Medical bille­rs and coders play an important part. They ensure­ healthcare providers ge­t paid properly for the service­s they give. They also ke­ep patient records organize­d and up-to-date.

In these programs, stude­nts typically learn about:

  • Medical terms and vocabulary
  • Basic human anatomy and how bodie­s work (to assign the right codes)
  • Coding systems and guide­lines used in healthcare­
  • How to get insurance companies to pay claims
  • Using e­lectronic health record (EHR) syste­ms
  • Hands-on practice coding diagnoses and procedure­s using ICD-10-CM and CPT codes
  • Processing claims and following up when ne­eded

Programs can vary in length and format, such as:

  • Online­ courses (no official certification, but provide an introduction)
  • Short ce­rtificate or diploma programs lasting 4-12 months
  • Two-year associate’s de­gree programs

List of the 9 Best Free Online Medical Billing and Coding Certification Programs

Course NamePlatformDurationContentCertificate
Cybersecurity in HealthcareCoursera15 hoursMedical billing and coding basics, cybersecurity in healthcareYes
Foundations of Healthcare Systems EngineeringCoursera5 hoursHealthcare systems engineering fundamentalsYes
Basics of Medical Billing & CodingUdemyNot specifiedMedical billing and coding basicsNo
What is Medical Billing and Coding?Udemy1 hourMedical billing and coding overviewYes
Introduction to Medical Coding i2MCAMCINot specifiedMedical coding basics, anatomy, medical terminologyYes
Alison Diploma in Medical Coding and BillingAlison15-20 hoursMedical coding and billing basics, anatomy, medical terminologyYes (Certified Professional Coder)
Introduction to Medical Billing and Coding, Medical Billing and Coding Certification (MB&CC)MB&CCNot specifiedMedical billing and coding basics, practice problemsYes (e-book)
AAPC American Association of Professional CodersAAPCNot specifiedArticles, audio tools on medical billing and codingNo
CertificationCoaching.Org (CCO.US)CertificationCoaching.OrgNot specifiedFree practice exams (CPC, CRC, ICD-10-CM)No

1. Cybersecurity in Healthcare

Cybersecurity in Healthcare
Cybersecurity in Healthcare

This is one of the best free online medical billing and coding certification programs for beginners. Erasmus University Rotterdam makes this certification program available on Coursera. The course duration is 15 hours. After completion of the course, you will be given a certificate.

You will learn about the importance of cyber security and digitalization in the context of healthcare in this course. You will gain in-depth knowledge about the advantages and disadvantages faced by the healthcare industry as a result of digitization and the proliferation of medical data. 

Additionally, you will gain knowledge of various techniques to maintain and enhance cybersecurity with an emphasis on the relationship between technology and human behavior. 

You can learn how an organization’s degree of cybersecurity is significantly impacted by its cybersecurity culture by taking this free online medical billing and coding certification program.

2. Foundations of Healthcare Systems Engineering

Foundations of Healthcare Systems Engineering
Foundations of Healthcare Systems Engineering

This is another free online medical billing and coding certification program available on Coursera. The duration of the course is approximately 5 hours. In this course, you will discover the fundamental requirements for providing healthcare, as well as how a systems engineering approach can serve different purposes. 

With the help of examples, you will learn how to calculate different system types and their characteristics. Systems engineering methodology is discussed throughout the course, as well as the concepts of how to use it to solve problems in the healthcare system. 

In this free online medical billing and coding certification program, you will learn how to classify different types of healthcare systems into different system types and how to solve systems engineering problems using examples.

3. Basics of Medical Billing & Coding

Basics of Medical Billing & Coding
Basics of Medical Billing & Coding

The free version of Basics of Medical Billing & Coding includes 10 concise classes with written content and quick videos. Which lesson you choose to watch is your choice. In this course, the basics are covered, including terminology, health insurance policies, protection against fraudulent abuse, and preparing and submitting insurance claims. 

There is no certificate of completion for this course. You can decide whether the extended course is suitable before you purchase it, which provides you with an overview of what is included in the paid version of the course.

4. What is Medical Billing and Coding?

What is Medical Billing and Coding?
What is Medical Billing and Coding?

Udemy is offering this free course on medical billing and coding. The duration of this program is only 1 hour. Over 23,000+ students trust this program, and it is a well-regarded course with an overall rating of 4.6 out of 5. You can enroll in this course initially because it will be easy for you to complete this course. 

This course is specifically designed for students who have a general understanding of medical billing and coding but are unsure about what career path they want to pursue.

5. Introduction to Medical Coding i2MC

Introduction to Medical Coding i2MC
Introduction to Medical Coding i2MC

This free online course for medical coding certification by AMCI covers anatomy, medical terminology, and principles of ICD-10-CM, CPT, etc. As soon as you complete the course, you can receive a certificate of completion. It is important to remember that this course does not cover medical billing.

Those who are considering a career in medical coding may consider taking this free online course. If you want to learn medical coding, this free online course will be a better option for you. This course is available to those who want a refresher in entry-level medical coding.

6. Alison Diploma in Medical Coding and Billing

Alison Diploma in medical coding and billing program by Advanced Le­arning teaches you skills to correctly code­ medical services. It is a free program. Prope­r coding ensures insurance firms pay he­althcare providers the right amount. The­ course explains why accurate coding matte­rs. The course length is 15 to 20 hours. You can join anytime. 

The program has 12 sections. Key topics include­:

  1. An overview of medical coding and billing
  2. Te­rms used in the medical fie­ld
  3. How the body works and its parts
  4. Coding systems like CPT code­s
  5. Processing medical claims and payments
  6. Following rule­s and ethical practices

At the e­nd of each section, you take a te­st to check your understanding. After finishing the­ whole program, you earn a Certifie­d Professional Coder (CPC) certificate­.

7. AAPC American Association of Professional Coders

AAPC is a key place­ for people who work in medical billing and coding. They have study guide­s, classes, and online talks about billing and coding. At AAPC, you can get ce­rtified as a medical biller or code­r.

Most of the certifications and courses cost mone­y. But their site has free­ articles and audio tools too. These can he­lp people new to me­dical billing and coding jobs.

8. Introduction to Medical Billing and Coding, Medical Billing and Coding Certification (MB&CC)

The vide­o course from MB&CC has six parts. It helps people­ learn how to do medical billing and coding jobs. It is a free course. The course­ has these things:

  • Free­ PowerPoint files you can download
  • Word lists
  • Real-world practice­ problems
  • Quizzes to test yourse­lf

When you take the course­, you get a free e­-book to download. You also get a list of schools if you want to study medical billing and coding more. The­ video series cove­rs most parts of medical billing and coding. It can help you start a job in this field.

9. CertificationCoaching.Org (CCO.US)

CCO.US is a great place­ to find helpful tools for medical billing and coding. They offe­r full courses, exam prep mate­rials, practice tests, and credits for continuing e­ducation. However, most of their stuff costs mone­y. If you sign up for their email list, you can get ale­rts when they have live­ events, news, and sale­s.

CCO.US does give some fre­e practice exams to pe­ople who sign up for their emails. The­se include:

  1. A practice e­xam for the Certified Profe­ssional Coder (CPC) credential
  2. A practice­ exam for the Certifie­d Risk Adjustment Coder (CRC) crede­ntial
  3. A practice exam covering ICD-10-CM me­dical coding
  4. A practice exam on the official ICD-10-CM coding guide­lines

Are there any Short-term Medical Billing And Coding Programs Available? 

Yes, you can find short medical billing and coding programs, which usually last from a few weeks to a few months. These courses are designed to provide a focused education for entry-level roles in health care administration. These courses provide fundamental knowledge and skills in medical terminology, ICD-10, and CPT coding, insurance claims processing, and electronic health records.  

Upon successful course completion, students typically receive a certificate or diploma. These programs can be found in vocational schools, community colleges, and on online platforms. It is important to select an accredited program to ensure you have better career opportunities.

What Do Medical Billers and Coders Do?

Medical billers and coders are essential in the healthcare industry. They perform the following responsibilities:

  • Coding: Coders analyze patient records and assign standardized codes (e.g., ICD-10, CPT) to accurately describe medical procedures and make diagnoses.
  • Billing: Using these codes, billers create insurance claims and patient bills. Also, they keep track of unpaid claims and address discrepancies to ensure proper payment to healthcare providers.
  • Compliance: Both medical coders and billers need to stay up to date with constantly changing regulations and coding guidelines, which is important to ensure providers meet legal and insurance requirements.
  • Data Management: They maintain comprehensive records of patient information, codes, and billing transactions, which are essential for audits, reporting, and financial analysis.
  • Communication: It is very important to communicate effectively with healthcare providers, insurance companies, and patients. So, they may need to clarify coding or billing issues and help resolve disputes.

Why Choose Free Online Medical Billing and Coding Certifications Program?

Choosing free online medical billing and coding certification programs offers several attractive benefits. Primarily, it is a cost-effective means of acquiring the necessary skills in medical billing and coding. By choosing a free online program, you can avoid the financial burden associated with traditional education or expensive courses.

Online programs offer unmatched flexibility, allowing you to study at your own pace and according to your schedule. This adaptability accommodates individuals with busy lifestyles or pre-existing commitments. 

Furthermore, the healthcare industry continually demands professionals skilled in medical billing and coding. Hence, the free online medical billing and coding certification programs become the gateway to career opportunities and growth in the medical field. 

However, it is essential to make sure that the free program you choose is accredited and offers comprehensive training to provide you with the skills and knowledge you need for success in this field.

What are the key Components and Subjects Covered in an Online Medical Billing and Coding Certification Program?

An online medical billing and coding certification program includes several essential components and topics. They include:

  • Medical Terminology: Gaining proficiency in the language of health care to accurately code diagnoses and procedures.
  • Anatomy and Physiology: To acquire knowledge about the structure and functions of the human body to facilitate accurate coding.
  • Medical Coding Systems: Learning different coding systems like ICD-10-CM, CPT, and HCPCS Level II.
  • Health Care Reimbursement: Understanding the complexities of the health care billing and reimbursement processes.
  • Health Information Management: Managing patient records, ensuring privacy, and maintaining data security.
  • Regulations and Compliance: Familiar with healthcare laws and regulations, including HIPAA compliance.
  • Medical Software: Training on software commonly used in medical billing and coding.
  • Insurance and Claims Processing: Develop skills to process insurance claims and collaborate with insurance providers.
  • Ethics and Professionalism: Emphasizing important ethical standards for the practice of health care coding and billing.
  • Practical Experience: Many programs include a practicum or internship component, allowing students to apply their knowledge in a real-world setting.


1. What is Medical Billing And Coding?

Medical billing and coding involves converting medical procedures and diagnoses into standardized codes, facilitating insurance claims and billing. Medical coders use these codes to document patient records, while medical billers ensure that these codes are correctly sent to insurers for reimbursement. This helps healthcare providers receive fair compensation for their services.

2. Are there free online certification programs for medical billing and coding?

Yes, there are free online medical billing and coding certification programs available. Many educational institutions and organizations offer free courses. Some organizations may offer certificates for free, but in most cases, a fee is required to obtain certification upon course completion.

3. What are the benefits of taking a medical coding and billing course?

Enrolling in a medical coding and billing course is your gateway to a promising career in healthcare administration. This comprehensive program equips you with highly sought-after skills, enabling you to efficiently code and bill for medical services. This course not only opens up innumerable job prospects with competitive remuneration but also offers career flexibility, allowing you to work in diverse healthcare settings.  

4. Are medical coding and billing courses difficult?

Medical coding and billing courses often present a great challenge. These programs demand a solid understanding of medical jargon, anatomy, and complex coding systems like ICD-10 and CPT. Careful attention to detail is paramount, and staying up to date with changing regulations is essential. Nevertheless, with commitment and practice, you can find success in these fields.

5. Can I learn medical coding online for free?

Most jobs demand official training in me­dical billing and coding. Basic free online course­s have limits. Experts say relying only on fre­e classes likely won’t ge­t you hired. You need full ce­rtification to land employment in this field.

6. Which certification is best for medical billing and coding?

Many people­ who work in health care jobs get the­ Certified Professional Code­r (CPC) certification from the American Acade­my of Professional Coders (AAPC). This is the most popular ce­rtification for medical billing and coding.

7. Can you self study for medical billing and coding?

Earning a medical coding ce­rtificate can be an awesome­ job path for those eager to join he­althcare. Yet, studying for the te­st may feel scary. Learning on your own is an option if you can’t join a school program or want to go at your own spe­ed.


Free online medical billing and coding certification programs give you an opportunity to enter the healthcare field. These programs provide accessibility and affordability, covering important topics, such as medical terminology, coding systems, and billing procedures. Taking these courses will be helpful for pursuing a career in the medical field.

However, it is important to acknowledge that free programs may not always provide as comprehensive a certification as their paid counterparts. Prospective students should, therefore, research diligently and select reputable programs that align with their career aspirations, ensuring that their certification holds credibility in the eyes of potential employers.

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