
Free Online Courses in Japan with Certificates In 2024

Free Online Courses in Japan with Certificates

Looking for Free Online Courses in Japan with Certificates? then you have landed on the right article. There are various research-based universities in Japan that are dedicated to science and engineering higher education. These universities have both undergraduate and graduate degree students enrolled in free online courses.

There are various free online courses in Japan with certificates that will help students gain an understanding of the Japanese language and help students learn about Japanese history, martial arts, entertainment, culture, and fashion. 

About 128 million people speak Japanese, an East Asian language that is mostly spoken in Japan.

In this blog, we have enlisted the top free online courses in Japan with certificates for students who are interested in learning about Japan and its culture.

Key Takeaways:

  • Around 128 million people speak Japanese and hence is a popular course among many students.
  • Various research-based universities in Japan are dedicated to science and engineering higher education. 
  • Free online courses in Japan with certificates aim to give students a thorough knowledge of the language using various textbooks, films, and audio recordings.
  • Some benefits of free online courses in Japan with certificates are that they allow students to take lessons from anywhere, the cost of the courses is lower, it saves money and time, and provide free digital certificates among many others.
  • The top free online courses in Japan with certificates are Studying at Japanese Universities, Learning Japanese through Science & Technology 02, etc.

About free online courses in Japan:

The foundations of the Japanese language, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening, will be taught to the students in this course. In addition to the hiragana, katakana, and kanji writing systems used in Japanese, these courses will also cover basic grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure.

These courses aim to give students a thorough knowledge of the language, and in order to support students’ skill development, a range of resources will be used, including textbooks, films, and audio recordings. 

Students will have the chance to practice speaking Japanese with native speakers and other students during the course, and they will also get feedback from knowledgeable professors.

Students will be able to introduce themselves, carry on brief conversations in Japanese, and comprehend simple texts written in the language by the end of the course. The IELTS band requirements for universities in Japan usually do not apply for online courses.

This course is an excellent place for students to begin their language learning journey, regardless of whether they are studying Japanese for employment, travel, or personal development. 

Benefits of Free Online Courses in Japan with Certificates:

The ability to study Japanese online from any location in the globe as long as you have an Internet connection is one of the main benefits of doing so. There are extremely few Japanese language departments in universities and schools, and there may not even be many in major cities in some nations. 

Some benefits of online courses are as follows:

1. Students can take lessons from anywhere:

Convenience and flexibility are two of online learning’s biggest benefits. Since online courses are accessible from anywhere, there is no need to travel to school, which results in significant time and cost savings. Furthermore, the online platform offers a special chance for students from all over the world to become friends while studying Japanese together.

2. Lower cost than in-person classes:

Due to the fact that both teachers and students can conduct online classes from the comfort of their own homes, the expense of renting a classroom at a school or other similar establishment is reduced when compared to in-person instruction. The cost of the lesson as a whole is also reduced because there is no need for transportation to and from the classroom or school.

3. It saves a lot of time and money:

While in-person classes need you to travel to the classroom or other locations, online classes can be completed from home, saving you time on the commute. On the other hand, you can save time on trips by taking lessons from the convenience of your home with online courses.

4. More efficiency in learning through the use of digital tools: 

Online instructors can immediately explain the information by pointing to it in detail using a conference tool that includes whiteboard and screen sharing features. This makes for a more participatory learning environment between the instructor and students.

5. Simple to go over the lesson again:

Videos can be made of online courses. You are welcome to listen to the lesson as many times as you like if you are having problems understanding the teacher’s explanations in Japanese and are unable to take notes. Another way to review the lesson is to record it.

6. Japanese-qualified teacher’s lesson:

You may expect to receive Japanese language instruction from teachers who have a particular level of ability in the language because firms that offer online Japanese language lessons employ professionally trained, nationally accredited teachers.

7. Free digital certificate:

These courses provide the students with a free certificate which could massively prove a student’s newly learned skills in Japan-related courses. 

Top 8 Free Online Courses in Japan with Certificates:

1. Studying at Japanese Universities:

This course will assist you in creating a study plan using project-based learning and in learning about excellent programs that are provided by various Japanese universities. 

This course will provide a range of possibilities to suit different goals, including English-taught programs, short-term programs in Japan, and full- and non-degree programs. 

You will receive helpful information and guidance from UTokyo international students during the session to get you started on the path to studying in Japan.

You will create a draft of your action plan for applying to Japanese universities upon completion of this course. The course’s main objective is to get you started on a pleasant, successful, and gratifying start as a student in Japan.

  • Conducted by: University of Tokyo
  • Level: Beginner 
  • Course duration: 11 hours to complete

2. Learning Japanese through Science & Technology-2:

Learning Japanese through Science & Technology – 2 course, which has a theme of Science and Engineering research at the University of Tokyo, focuses on enhancing Japanese reading comprehension through vocabulary and expression retention. Apart from reading, kids can also hone their “listening” and “writing” skills by watching films with illustrations and interviews. Additionally, students can expand and enhance their understanding of relevant fields.

  • Conducted by: University of Tokyo
  • Level: Intermediate 
  • Course duration: 11 hours to complete

3. Greek and Roman Mythology:

Myths are age-old narratives that have lasted for a very long period. A few of them are related to significant occasions, such as the creation of a country. To examine the nature of myth and the role it plays for people, societies, and nations, the Greek and Roman Mythology course will concentrate on the myths of ancient Greece and Rome. 

Through a range of subjects, such as the universe’s creation, the relationship between gods and mortals, human nature, religion, the family, sex, love, madness, and death, this course will explore these concerns.

  • Conducted by: University of Pennsylvania
  • Level: Intermediate 
  • Course duration: 24 hours to complete

4. From the big bang to dark energy:

The enigmatic Dark stuff, which accounts for about 80% of the universe’s stuff, is what gave rise to stars and galaxies. 

An orderly universe was established by the recently discovered Higgs-boson, which was fixed into the universe a trillionth of a second after the Big Bang. 

However, we are still unsure of how regular matter—atoms—was able to withstand Anti-Matter’s complete annihilation. About 7 billion years ago, the universe’s expansion accelerated, and now it is breaking apart. 

Dark energy, an enigmatic energy that multiplies in a vacuum, is the blame. Students will study dark matter in detail as well as other topics in this course.

  • Conducted by: University of Tokyo
  • Level: Beginner
  • Course duration: 31 hours to complete

5. Interactive computer graphics:

Interactivity is essential to capturing users’ imagination and can be a useful tool for helping visual problem-solving with computer graphics. This course will introduce a variety of interactive tools with design justifications and algorithms created in the field of computer graphics research. 

Improved graphical user interfaces, interactive computer-aided design systems, and authoring tools for 2D and 3D animations are a few examples. 

You will gain the knowledge and abilities to create and apply these solutions for your own challenges through in-depth live demonstrations and course assignments.

  • Conducted by: University of Tokyo
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Course duration: 1 day 3 hours 53 minutes

6. Japanese Culture Through Rare Books:

The Institute of Oriental Classics at Keio University is a particular place that specializes in rare East Asian literature. 163,000 items make up the Institute’s vast collection, which is available to the public as a specialized library. 

We will utilize this extensive collection in this course, drawing from the knowledge of experts and scholars who have been devoted to the conservation and analysis of these materials. 

You will become acquainted with the format, physical attributes, binding technique, writing style, and cover of traditional East Asian books in addition to their content through the use of cutting-edge media tools.

  • Conducted by: Keio University 
  • Level: Beginner
  • Course duration: 3 weeks, 3 hours a week

7. Modern Japanese Architecture: From Meiji Restoration to Today:

We will examine how Japanese architects created their own brand of Modernism when the country was under tremendous pressure to become more like the world’s superpowers. 

At first, the Japanese were interested in studying the findings of Walter Gropius, a German Bauhaus architect, and Franco-Swiss Le Corbusier. However, Japan rapidly started to create its style and architects of the 20th century. 

Kenzo Tange became the first-ever internationally renowned Japanese architect after World War II.

  • Conducted by: Tokyo Institute of Technology 
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Course duration: 6 weeks

8. Japanese Architecture and Structural Design:

This updated course offers in-depth video lectures that cover a variety of architectural and structural design topics. The lectures are supplemented by comprehensive articles that can be studied in further detail. 

Case studies of many distinctive Tokyo campus buildings will be used to illustrate contemporary methods for seismic design and retrofit. The first part of the course introduces the evolution of modern Japanese spatial structures, the Metabolism movement, and the shift from traditional timber buildings to the first steel high rises. 

  • Conducted by: Tokyo Institute of Technology 
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Course duration: 5 weeks, 1-3 hours a week

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What are the various career options after studying the Japanese language?

With the aid of programs like the Diploma in Japanese Language, you can gain proficiency and go on to work in a range of government and private organizational settings as well as the export and import industry. You can work as an interpreter or translator, a flight attendant, a tour guide, or in the hotel industry.

2. Is it worthwhile to study Japanese for a career?

Learning Japanese might be helpful if you want to work as a freelancer or for a corporation as a translator or interpreter. There are other alternatives for careers.

3. Is there a need for Japanese speakers?

More than 120 million people speak Japanese fluently across the globe, including in substantial immigrant groups in Brazil, the United States, East Asia, and the Pacific Rim. Although it’s a difficult language to master, there are more chances available to those who speak it because speakers are in high demand.

4. What is the best Japanese certification?

N1 is the highest certification level among these, and N5 is the entry-level level. The JLPT certification has a lot of advantages. One can gain entrance to numerous schools and colleges by obtaining certification in two or three JLPT levels.

5. Which course is best for Japan?

– Engineering and Technology
– Japanese Language and Culture
– Business and Management
– Medicine and Healthcare
– Animation and Film Studies
– International Relations and Japanese Studies


The courses on Japan that are listed include comprehensive courses that concentrate on Japanese history and culture to improve comprehension and expertise in these areas. These programs offer a variety of perspectives on Japan’s history and contemporary society, appealing to both fans and academics.

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