
5 Sources To Get CDL Grants for Felons

CDL Grants for Felons

Are you in search of the most effective strategy for obtaining CDL Grants for Felons with a felony background? If so, you’ve arrived at the ideal destination.

CDL Grants for Felons or Commercial Driver License grants for felons to those who have previously committed a crime but have proved themselves innocent after serving their sentence. Many ex-felons have been able to rebuild their lives and support their families because of CDL Grants for Felons and CDL Training for Felons programs.

Additionally, they can apply for a driving license for felons in truck driving schools. If some ex-felons cannot afford truck driving school, there are other options. They can avail of school subsidies for felons.

CDL programs provide individuals the opportunity to receive training and education to become commercial truck drivers. There are several grants designed specifically for individuals with felony convictions available to help finance these training programs, covering all or part of the cost.

This article intends to provide in-depth information on CDL Grants for Felons. It will explore successful strategies for acquiring CDL grants and showcase the various sources within the country that offer these grants to individuals with felony records. And Don’t let a criminal record hold you back. You can find trade schools that accept felons and gain valuable skills to help you succeed.

Key Takeaways

  • Felons can get help to pay for truck driver training programs with CDL grants.
  • There are government programs and non-profits that offer CDL grants to felons.
  • To get a CDL grant, you might need to show you’re trying to turn your life around.
  • There are different places to look for CDL grants, like your state government or local non-profits.
  • Truck driving schools that accept felons sometimes offer grants too.

CDL Grants for Felons: Definition 

The Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration provides an annual grant known as CDL Grants for Felons, primarily intended for individuals with a criminal record or those who have completed their incarceration period.

CDL Grants for Felons provide financial assistance to individuals in need. It also provides assistance to individuals who are facing financial difficulties, including those with a history of criminal offenses. Many organizations have come forward to support ex-felons, enabling them to work honestly and dedicated while getting a fresh start in their lives.

How to Get CDL Grants for Felons?

Obtaining CDL grants for felons can be challenging because eligibility criteria vary by state and availability of funds.  Well, here are some tips to get CDL Grants for Felons:

1. Check Out State Programs

Start by researching your state’s workforce development or re-entry programs. Some states provide grants or assistance for CDL training to individuals with felony records.

2. Contact Local Agencies

Reach out to your local workforce development agencies, career centers, or re-entry programs. They may have information about CDL Grants for Felons or funding options specifically tailored to your situation.

3. Reentry Programs

Many reentry programs focus on helping individuals with criminal records re-enter society and gain employment. They may provide resources or connections to CDL training programs.

4. Private CDL Schools

Some private CDL training schools offer grants to eligible individuals, including those with criminal records. So, contact schools in your area to learn about such opportunities.

5. Second Chance Programs

Some organizations and non-profits offer second chance programs that help felons find employment, including CDL training. Hence, look for such organizations in your area.

6. Make a Strong Case

When applying for a CDL Grant for Felons, be prepared to explain your situation. Show evidence of rehabilitation, and demonstrate your commitment to a career in trucking.

Consult an attorney or legal aid organization specializing in re-entry and criminal record issues. They can provide guidance on the legal aspects of your situation.

Remember that eligibility for CDL Grants for Felons or funding varies widely. So, be persistent in your search, and don’t hesitate to seek support from local agencies and organizations dedicated to helping individuals with criminal records reintegrate into the workforce.

How to Get CDL Training for Felons?

CDL Training for Felons provides a transitional path for ex-felons to reintegrate into society and regain their freedom. This three-step process empowers ex-felons to reform themselves and independently support their families. 

The three steps are described below:

Step 1: Having a Valid Driving License

To enroll in a truck driving school designed for individuals with criminal histories, the initial requirement is to have a valid driving license. Hence, it is mandatory to have a valid driving license to participate in any such program.  

Having a driving license facilitates a straightforward enrollment process into truck driving schools designed for individuals with criminal backgrounds. If you do not have a valid driving license, it is advisable that you obtain one immediately. 

Getting a driving license in the United States is a relatively simple process. For this, you will have to complete an application form, take a written examination, and undergo a driving test. Successfully passing these tests will grant you a valid driving license in the United States.

Step 2: Choosing the Right Truck Driving School

The second step involves selecting a suitable truck driving school for individuals with a criminal background. The decision to choose the right truck driving school significantly affects the potential for CDL training available through the school and the trainee’s employment prospects after training. 

Alternatively, one can seek opportunities in trucking companies that employ individuals with criminal records as drivers.

Step 3: Asking Them to Pay the Training Fee

In the third step, you have the option to ask if they are willing to cover your training expenses. Typically, trucking companies offer to pay these fees under the condition that you commit to working for them for at least 1 to 4 years.

By obtaining a CDL Grant for Felons and undergoing CDL training designed for individuals with criminal backgrounds, you have the opportunity to get a fresh, good start regardless of your past crimes. These initiatives provide financial support to ex-felons and, at the same time, contribute to regaining their self-confidence.

5 Sources That Offer CDL Grants For Felons

There are many sources that offer CDL Grants for Felons. You can use those sources for CDL grants for felons. 

Here are 5 platforms from where you can get CDL grants:

1. Inmates to Entrepreneurs

Inmates to Entrepreneurs
Inmates to Entrepreneurs

A non-profit organization called Inmates to Entrepreneurs helps people with criminal histories start their own businesses by providing them with financial assistance. Sageworks is a supporter of this effort, which aims to help ex-felons reintegrate into society as productive citizens. In addition to financial assistance, the organization also provides guidance to ex-offenders on how to start and maintain a business.

Every year, many people are released from jail after serving their sentence for the crime they have committed. The aim of those ex-felons after their release from prison is to re-enter society as productive citizens. But, despite actively seeking employment more often, formerly incarcerated individuals face greater challenges in securing a job. 

Their unemployment rate is five times the national unemployment rate, causing financial difficulties for many. As a result, many people are forced to engage in illegal activities, resulting in a remarkable pattern where approximately two-thirds of previously incarcerated individuals find themselves back in prison within two to three years. 

Through the provision of both in-person and online educational resources, Inmates to Entrepreneurs strives to assist ex-felons in starting their own small businesses, giving them the opportunity to earn a livelihood honestly. 

2. GoFundMe


GoFundMe is a platform where individuals can promote their causes and request financial support from the public. Felons can take advantage of this platform to obtain CDL Grants for Felons, which has facilitated the raising of over $2 billion in funds for individuals.

Typically, individuals use GoFundMe to secure funding for various needs, such as education, medical bills, charitable contributions, training programs, and more. You can connect with users of the platform to mobilize support for criminals and ex-offenders, encouraging them to raise money for CDL grants and training specifically targeted to this group.

3. IndieGoGo


IndieGoGo is another efficient crowdfunding platform that provides assistance to individuals with criminal backgrounds. It helps them raise money for CDL training and grants. They provide expert guidance to eligible people. So, your concept and mission must be compelling enough to make an impact on reviewers. Their decision on eligibility to raise funds depends on the strength of your idea. This is a reliable source for CDL Grants for Felons.

4. State Government and Local Agencies 

Each year, the federal government allocates funds through state governments to assist needy individuals. State governments also offer CDL Grants for Felons, and to access this grant, you simply need to submit an application to the government of your state. It is necessary to fulfill the specified eligibility requirements to receive the grant amount.

Furthermore, many local agencies collaborate with non-profit organizations and charities to utilize CDL Grants for Felons. Grants are not distributed directly to individuals; Instead, you must follow their guidelines to access the grant funds. These agencies conduct training programs aimed at assisting ex-felons in acquiring truck-driving skills.

5. is a government-run online platform where you can find comprehensive information about grants and scholarships. It also provides details about various grants in various areas and facilitates the application process, including grants, such as CDL grants for Felons.

The portal provides access to essential details, such as grant application deadlines and eligibility requirements. Additionally, it enables you to apply for a wide range of financial aid, including student loans, education loans, and miscellaneous grants. These financial opportunities are supported by the government and affiliated institutions.

Truck Driving Schools Felons

The world of truck driving offers a promising path for felons. For those who have faced the challenges of a felony conviction, the road to reintegration into society can regularly be fraught with obstacles. However, the trucking industry has emerged as a ray of hope. It provides a unique opportunity for the ex-felons to rebuild their life and start a new career journey. 

Here is a list of truck driving schools for felons:

1. is a website that offers CDL training opportunities for individuals with criminal backgrounds. They also offer grants for truck driving school to those who may face financial barriers to pursuing this career path. This portal serves as a comprehensive resource for information on truck driving schools, licensing tests, CDL grants, and related areas.

2. Dootson School of Trucking

Dootson School of Trucking
Dootson School of Trucking

For the past six decades, the Dootson School of Trucking has been dedicated to training individuals with criminal backgrounds. Their extensive experience in the trucking industry makes them a valuable source of knowledge about truck driving.

They are experts in preparing these individuals to walk on challenging roads even in difficult weather conditions. This school has opened doors for many ex-felons, enabling them to earn a living and live a respectable life as truck drivers.

3. Lincoln Land Community College

Lincoln Land Community College
Lincoln Land Community College

This is a top truck driving school serving individuals with criminal records. They offer a comprehensive program encompassing both theoretical and practical training for all applicants, regardless of their prior experience. 

Additionally, there is a possibility for people with felony convictions to obtain truck driving school grants. The condition is that they must present a compelling and valid reason for needing assistance. If the jury finds their case considerable, they can gain valuable knowledge about truck driving without any charge.


1. Can felons get a CDL grant?

Yes, felons can apply for a CDL grant. However, having a felony conviction may limit some opportunities. There are grant programs and organizations that provide financial assistance to individuals with criminal records who want to obtain a CDL and live their lives with honesty.

2. Are there grants available for felons to obtain a CDL in the US?

Certainly! In the United States, many grant and financial aid opportunities exist for individuals with criminal records who wish to obtain a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL). You can find these grants through government agencies and nonprofit groups.

3. What are the eligibility requirements for CDL grants for felons?

Eligibility requirements for a CDL grant for felons may vary depending on the specific program. However, general requirements include:
1. Completion of a CDL training program or course  
2. Meeting age and health requirements
3. Having a valid driving license   
4. Demonstrating commitment to rehabilitation
5. Meet any specific criteria set by the grant provider

4. Where can felons find CDL grant programs?

Felons can begin by researching local and national organizations that support re-entry programs and job training for individuals with criminal records. Some possible sources of CDL grants include community colleges, workforce development agencies, non-profit organizations, and government programs.  


The availability of CDL Grants for Felons presents a valuable opportunity for individuals with criminal records to reintegrate into society and secure stable employment. These grants are often awarded through government programs or non-profit organizations. 

The purpose of the grants is to provide a second chance to people with previous convictions, promote rehabilitation, and reduce recidivism rates. By obtaining CDL Grants for Felons, ex-felons can access a broader range of job opportunities in the transportation industry, ultimately improving their chances for a brighter future.

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