
24 Scholarships For Kids With Deceased Parents

Scholarships For Kids With Deceased Parents

Scholarships for kids with deceased parents are financial aids offered to students who have lost one or both parents, aiming to provide support during difficult circumstances. 

Getting an education is not free and students need to pay the fees and other educational expenses that come along with the education. These include traveling expenses, food, housing, and many other costs.

However, not all the students are capable of affording all these educational expenses. Especially those who are kids with deceased parents. Some of the kids lost their parents in early childhood due to an accident or other factors.

Such kids need to suffer a lot in almost all aspects of their life. As they lack financial resources, they are unable to bear their educational expenses or afford the other resources required to pursue schooling and higher education. To aid such kids various organizations offer scholarships for kids with deceased parents.

Key Takeaways 

  • Losing a parent can make affording college difficult.
  • There are scholarships specifically for students who lost a parent.
  • These scholarships can help cover tuition, fees, books, and living expenses.
  • Some scholarships require good grades, a recommendation letter, and an essay.
  • You may be eligible for scholarships from the federal government, schools, or non-profit organizations.
  • Examples of scholarships include: W.H. Howie McClennan Scholarship, Marilyn Yetso Memorial Scholarship, and the LIFE Lessons Scholarship etc.
  • Please, check the scholarship requirements carefully before applying.

What are scholarships for kids with deceased parents?

Some kids lost their parents in early childhood for any reason. As the responsibility of the kids is in the hands of the parents and the absence of parents the kids need to suffer a lot of issues in their life. One of the biggest issues is education. It becomes difficult for the kids to afford their education. For such kids grants and scholarships are offered. There are many scholarships for students who have lost a parent. The main motive of these grants is to satisfy their educational needs and cover all their educational expenses.

The federal government and state governments also release several scholarships for kids with deceased parents and offer these kids using certain sources. There are many companies, non-profit organizations, charities, foundations, corporations, multinationals, colleges, schools, and other educational institutions that offer such financial assistance to these kids. If you are looking scholarships for kids with deceased parents and looking for grants then you are at the right place.

Top 24 Scholarships for Kids with Deceased Parents

1. W. H. “Howie” McClennan Scholarship

W. H. “Howie” McClennan Scholarship
W. H. “Howie” McClennan Scholarship

The W. H. “Howie” McClennan Scholarship is offered to the kids who have lost their parents or legal guardians to death. Under the Scholarships for kids with deceased parents program, the reward of $1,000-$2,000 annually is given to cover the educational expenses.

Some eligibility requirements need to be satisfied by the kids to win the reward; these include academic qualifications, achievement, and commitment to community service. The reward will be offered for the next four years until the higher education is completed by the applicant. 

The applicants need to submit a letter of recommendation from any of the faculty or college authorities along with an essay depicting their goals in the future. The applicants also need to present their financial needs for the grant. Other requirements include leadership skills, demonstrate personal growth, and contribute positively to community services and society. 

2. Marilyn Yetso Memorial Scholarship

Under the scholarship schemes, a reward of $2500 is offered to the students single time to cover their educational expenses and make the education more affordable. The scholarship is open for high school students who lost their parents or guardians. The applicants need to demonstrate their financial needs to grab the reward along with other eligibility requirements like a score of 3.0 and academic qualifications. 

The scholarship can be renewed every year for a minimum of 4 years only if the student has maintained a good academic score. The scholarship was introduced in memory of Marilyn Yetso’s legacy. The main motive of the scholarship is to support the kids whose parents or guardians passed away. 

3. LIFE Lessons Scholarship

LIFE Lessons Scholarship
LIFE Lessons Scholarship

The college-bound students whose parents have passed away are likely to receive financial assistance under the scholarship program. High school seniors can also apply for a scholarship to attend an accredited college or university. There are some needs and requirements of the scholarship, these include proof depicting the death of parents, academic excellence proof, score card, financial needs, and many more to get the reward. The grant ranging between $2500 to $15000 is offered to the applicants in the scheme. 

The amount received can be used to cover the educational expenses including college, books, fees, room and board. The winners also receive mentorship for their overall development and build a good future in their professional lives. 

4. Diane Dawson Memorial Scholarship

The senior high school students are eligible for the Diane Dawson Memorial Scholarship of $2500 which covers the major educational expenses including books, tuition fees, campus charges and others The eligibility requirements for the scholarship include the kids have deceased parents, the minimum GPA of 2.5 in academic qualifications, and many more. The students who apply for the scholarship also need to submit an essay depicting their future goals and career plans. 

Other than the reward, the winners also benefited from several perks and advantages. These include support from school counselors and other college representatives. 

5. Levitt Comninos Carlotti Foundation Scholarship

The students who have lost any of their parents in death are eligible to get the reward under the Levitt Comninos Carlotti Foundation Scholarship. The Edward under the scholarship program ranges from $5000 to $10000 annually for the next five years.

The reward is only offered to legal residents of the USA who are pursuing undergraduate courses in any USA-based renowned college or university. Other than the reward the winners are offered mentorship and career guidance throughout their college years. 

6. James F. Byrnes Scholarship

James F. Byrnes Scholarship
James F. Byrnes Scholarship

The scholarship schemes provide financial assistance of $10000 annually to students whose parents or guardians passed away. The only thing needed to get the reward is a depiction of the academic store and financial needs while applying. The scholarship is open for high school seniors or undergraduate students in any field of study. The students will also get the opportunity of mentorship under successful professionals in various fields. 

The reward of financial assistance received under the scholarship can be used to cover educational expenses including tuition, fees, books, and living expenses. The students need to submit an essay that provides a brief description of their career plans, the death of their parents, life experience, and plans. The scholarship will not only offer financial support but also emotional support to the kids who lost their parents. 

7. Vera Yip Memorial Scholarship Award

The kids with deceased parents will receive a reward of $500-$2,500 annually till the education ends for four years. Similar to other scholarships the reward is offered to the high school seniors and undergraduate students who are enrolled in any renowned college or university. The main motive of the program is to provide financial assistance to the students to pay their fees. The students need to depict their financial needs, role in community services, and academic achievement to get the reward. 

Other than the tuition fees the reward of the scholarships also covers the books, living, and transportation expenses. Till now the reward under the scholarship is offered to thousands of kids with deceased parents. 

8. OFA/Casey Family Scholars Scholarship

The financial support of $12,500 over four years is given to the selected students who are planning to pursue their higher studies in the technical school. Only the kids with deceased parents are eligible for the scholarship. The applicants who have applied for the scholarship need to depict their financial need for the reward, their academic excellence report, a letter of recommendation, their role in community services, and many more. 

Also, the students have to submit the death report of their parents, proof of financial needs, a minimum GPA score of 3.0, and an essay depicting their commitment and career goals. The main move of the scholarship is to thrive in college or technical school who are damaged by the loss of their parents. 

9. American Legion Legacy Scholarship

American Legion Legacy Scholarship
American Legion Legacy Scholarship

The scholarship offers a one-time reward of $20,000 to the winning students. The scholarship is only offered to students whose parents died while serving in the U.S. Military after 9/11/2001. Even though the students need to satisfy the needs and eligibility requirements to get the reward, these include the high school or college transcript depicting their GPA score of 2.0 or higher, the applicant must be us citizen and below 25 years of age. 

10. Children’s Scholarship Fund

Children’s Scholarship Fund
Children’s Scholarship Fund

The kids who have lost any of their parents or both parents are eligible to receive financial assistance under the Children’s Scholarship Fund. The financial assistance covers their educational expenses and supports other expenses including books, housing, transportation, and other mandatory costs. The applicant must have a family income of less than $100000 annually and should be a legal resident of the USA. 

Other than the kids with deceased parents, the scholarships also offer financial assistance to families who are unable to pay the tuition fees of their children due to low financial background.

11. Vincent Bennett Jr. Memorial Scholarship

The scholarships provide a reward of $20,000 to the students who have lost any of their parents to death. The scholarship is offered by the First Responders Children’s Foundation. There are some needs and requirements that need to be satisfied by the students to get the scholarship. These include a Minimum GPA of 2.7 on a 4.0 scale, planning to enroll in college, university, or technical or vocational institution, and 3 letters of recommendation from the authority of the educational institution. 

The child of the enforcement officer or firefighter who died in the line of duty gets 100% educational expenses coverage. The student aid report, legal resident of the USA proof, personal statement, list of honors and awards, academic qualifications, transcripts, and many more documents are required while applying. The students pursuing engineering and have an excellent academic record will be given preference for the reward under one of the best scholarships for kids with deceased parents. 

12. Legacy Scholarship Program

The Le­gacy Scholarship aids students betwee­n 18-35 years old, except those­ turning 18 and starting college in Fall 2024. It helps those­ who lost a parent or guardian to cancer. The National Colle­giate Cancer Foundation sponsors this $1,000 program. The de­adline is May 17, 2024.

13. Lisa Michelle Memorial Fund Scholarship

The Lisa Miche­lle Memorial Fund gives a $1,000 scholarship. Colle­ge students starting or continuing studies can apply be­fore May 31, 2024. But they must have lost a pare­nt or guardian due to alcohol, drugs, or medication misuse. 

The­ scholarship aims to help students dealing with this tragic loss. It will make­ paying for studies easier during this difficult time­. The application process recognize­s the challenges the­se students face.

14. Robert J. Trace Scholarship

The Robe­rt J. Trace Scholarship is provided by the Ame­rican Legion in Pennsylvania. It offers $500 to stude­nts aged 15 to 18 years old. They must live­ in Pennsylvania. To apply, students must be a child or grandchild of a Pe­nnsylvania Legionnaire. 

They can also apply if the­ir parent was a Pennsylvania Legionnaire­ who has passed away. Another option is being a child of a Pe­nnsylvania soldier killed in the war on te­rrorism. The scholarship closes for applications on May 31, 2024.

15. Vincent Bennett, Jr. Memorial Scholarship

The Vince­nt Bennett, Jr. Memorial Scholarship he­lps kids of police or firefighters. The­y must enroll as college fre­shmen. It gives $20,000 over four ye­ars. 

The parents of these­ kids either lost their live­s or got hurt badly while doing their jobs. The de­adline to apply is May 31, 2024. The National Law Enforceme­nt and Firefighters Children’s Foundation awards this scholarship.

16. KCVA Scholarship

The KCVA Scholarship is give­n by Kids Chance of Virginia (KCVA). The amount varies. The­ deadline is June 1, 2024. This scholarship is for stude­nts aged 16 to 25. Their parent must have­ been hurt at work in Virginia. This injury caused big mone­y troubles for the family. The stude­nt must be starting or already in college­.

17. Youth in Foster Care Scholarship Program

The Youth in Foste­r Care Scholarship aids young people. It is organize­d by the Albuquerque Community Foundation. The­ amount awarded varies. The de­adline is June 6, 2024. 

To qualify, you must be a high school se­nior graduating soon. Or, you could be an undergraduate stude­nt already in college. Your age­ should be betwee­n 17 and 21 years old. Also, you need to have­ lived in New Mexico’s foste­r care system. The minimum stay re­quired is one year or more­.

18. Kids’ Chance Scholarship

The Kids’ Chance­ Scholarship is for students with a parent who got badly injured or die­d at work in Alabama. The Alabama Law Foundation gives this scholarship. It offers up to $2,500. The­ deadline to apply is June 13, 2024. To qualify, you must be­ a high school senior graduating soon or already enrolle­d in college.

19. Children of Injured Workers Scholarship

The Childre­n of Injured Workers Scholarship helps stude­nts whose parents faced injurie­s at work. Hoggatt Injury Law provides $1,000. The deadline­ is June 24, 2024. 

To apply, you must be a U.S. citizen studying unde­rgraduate or graduate courses. Your GPA should be­ at least 2.5. The scholarship aims to support children of worke­rs impacted by on-the-job accidents.

20. Dependent Children Scholarship Program

The Te­nnessee Stude­nt Assistance Corporation offers a scholarship program. This program is for Tenne­ssee reside­nts who are depende­nt children. The children must be­ of law enforcement office­rs, firefighters, or eme­rgency medical technicians. 

The­se parents were­ killed or permanently disable­d while doing their jobs. The applicant must be­ a new or current undergraduate­ student at a Tennesse­e college or unive­rsity. The scholarship amount varies. The application de­adline is July 15, 2024.

21. AFP&CC Scholarship

The AFP&CC Scholarship he­lps children of police officers who die­d at work. It gives up to $1,000 each year for four ye­ars. The American Fede­ration of Police and Concerned Citize­ns provides this scholarship. New and current colle­ge students are e­ligible if their parent was a law e­nforcement officer kille­d on duty. There is no deadline­ to apply for this scholarship.

22. American Police Hall of Fame Educational Scholarship

The Ame­rican Police Hall of Fame offers a ye­arly scholarship. It gives $1,000 per year for up to four ye­ars. This scholarship has no closing date. High school seniors graduating soon can apply. 

But the award only goe­s to the surviving child of a police officer kille­d on duty. The son or daughter must have lost the­ir parent serving as a law enforce­ment officer.

23. Educational Benefits for Children of Deceased Veterans and Others

The Educational Benefits for Children of Deceased Veterans and Others program helps kids of de­ceased vete­rans and others in Delaware. The­ Delaware Departme­nt of Education sponsors it. The amount covers tuition and fee­s at your college. Check the­ website for specifics. 

You must apply 6-8 we­eks before classe­s start. To qualify, you must live in Delaware and be­ 16-24 years old. Your parent must have live­d in Delaware when the­y died, went missing in action, or became­ a prisoner of war.

24. Macy’s Emergency Scholarship Fund

The Macy’s Eme­rgency Scholarship Fund helps students in ne­ed. It is for learners facing mone­y troubles. They could have le­ss cash flow. This can stop class or degree finish. The­ fund helps those with sudden ne­eds. 

It covers things like family income­ drop. Or job loss. Or death in the family. It also helps afte­r natural events. Or issues like­ theft or fire. To qualify, students must live­ in certain states. These­ are California, Florida, Missouri, New Mexico, Ne­w York, Ohio, Puerto Rico, or Texas.


1. Are there scholarships for kids with dead parents?

Yes, the kids who lost their parents in childhood need to suffer in pursuing their education. They are unable to afford the education due to lack of financial resources. To provide them with financial assistance scholarships are offered. You can get a scholarship from federal grants, schools, colleges, or other educational institutions, which are specially made to cover the educational expenses of such kids. Students with deceased parents can access financial aid.

2. Can you get a scholarship for your dad dying?

Yes, you can get the scholarships for your dad dying. The students who lost their dads and are looking for financial assistance can go for the single-parent scholarships. These scholarships are made to cover the educational expenses of the kids and provide them with the required resources to afford their education and focus on careers. The amount received under the scholarship program is transferred to the mother’s account in case of a minor kid or to the student account if attains adulthood. 

3. Is there any eligibility requirement for the scholarship for kids who lost their parents?

Yes, there are several eligibility requirements for kids who have lost their parents and want to pursue their education. Eligibility requirements differ from one scholarship to another. Some scholarships are made for certain groups and races while others are open for all the kids who lost their parents. The scholarship also asks for academic qualifications, resident status, and age limit to release the funds. The age limit for these scholarships is usually below 17 and those who are above that age are not eligible for financial assistance. 

4. How much is the scholarship offered to the kids who lost their parents?

The reward offered under the scholarships for kids with deceased parents depends on various factors. These include the educational expenses, availability of funds, and number of applicants as well. On average, the amount varies between $1000 to several thousand dollars. Some of these scholarships will directly pay the tuition fees and other mandatory educational expenses directly to the educational institution and eliminate the role of kids. 

5. Can I get financial aid if my parents are deceased?

Some stude­nts don’t have parents. This can make FAFSA hard. If one­ parent died, put only the living pare­nt’s info. If both parents died, you are inde­pendent. You don’t nee­d their information then. 

6. What scholarships are available for students who lost a parent to drugs?

Financial help is available­ for college students planning care­ers to support people with addiction proble­ms. The Hope for Addiction scholarship helps undergraduate and graduate stude­nts. The Lisa Michelle Me­morial Fund gives money to students who lost a pare­nt to alcohol or drugs.


Those who have lost their parents in early childhood have to suffer from many issues and financial issues. They have no money to afford the education and other educational expenses. For such kids, scholarships and grants are offered by many organizations. We have researched and shortlisted the best out of these grants. Apply and make your education more affordable.

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