
House Republican, Led by Speaker Mike Johnson, Restore American Flags Vandalized by Pro-Palestine Protesters

House Republican, Led by Speaker Mike Johnson, Restore American Flags Vandalized by Pro-Palestine Protesters

Images of burning American flags and vandalism at Union Station in Washington, D.C. after Benjamin Netanyahu’s address were quickly seized by Republicans as proof of pervasive antisemitism and a sign of what may occur if Democrats were in power.

Rep. Williams leads a group of House Republicans who, along with House Speaker Mike Johnson, recite the Pledge of Allegiance after American flags were taken down and burned earlier in the day by activists and pro-Palestine protests. While Prime Minister Netanyahu was visiting Capitol Hill, these demonstrators had changed the American flags at Union Station in Washington, D.C. to Palestinian flags. As they raise the American flags once more tonight, Johnson and other Republican lawmakers declare, “We have restored the flags that were burned at Union Station and will continue to stand for this great nation, come what may.”


Despite the fact that non-Capitol Police personnel were observed making large-scale arrests close to Union Station following the address, the U.S. Capitol Police claimed in a statement that “no flags under our protection have been removed or vandalized.”

“This vicious behaviour goes beyond peaceful protests and free speech,” McCaul stated. It will just encourage violence even more. Both political parties in our country ought to vehemently repudiate this repugnant, pro-Hamas radicalism and declare that antisemitism is not tolerated in the United States of America.

Without providing any proof, some Republican lawmakers attempted to link Vice President Kamala Harris, the presumed Democratic presidential contender, to the demonstrations and damage. Rep. Brian Mast (R-Fla.) wrote, “The people Kamala Harris is courting burn the American flag.” “They deserve shame.”

But Republicans weren’t the only ones berating the demonstrators. Rep. Jake Auchincloss (D-Mass) remarked, “The anti-American and anti-Jewish hate coming out of college campuses this spring didn’t end with the last day of school.” “College presidents, you have been warned: start enforcing your rules of behavior as soon as classes resume in the autumn.” He stated.