
Average Dentist Salary in USA 2024

Dentist Salary in USA

Dentists are really important in your community because they take care of our teeth. The dentist salary in USA can vary. If you like science and helping others, being a dentist could be a great job for you.

You might wonder how to become one and what they do. Dentists help keep your teeth healthy. If you are interested in becoming one, you will want to know more about what they do and how to become one. 

In this article, we will talk about what it takes to become a dentist in the US and dentist salary in USA. Let’s get started. 

Key Takeaways

  • To become a dentist in the USA, you need to get a bachelor’s degree, and then go to dental school for 4 years.
  • After dental school, you have to pass exams to get your license to practice dentistry.
  • There are many dental specialties, like orthodontists who fix crooked teeth.
  • The average dentist’s salary in the USA is $189,979 per year.
  • Some dentists earn much more, up to $338,000 per year.

What Does A Dentist Do?

As a dentist, you take care of people’s teeth and gums to keep them healthy. You do lots of different things, like cleaning teeth, filling cavities, and giving medicine for infections. 

Sometimes, you make teeth look better by using sealants and whitening agents. Before doing any procedures, you make sure your patients don’t feel any pain by giving them anesthesia. 

You also take X-rays to check for problems in the teeth and gums. If someone needs dentures or braces, you create models to make them. You teach people how their diet and brushing habits affect their teeth. If someone needs braces, you are the one who puts them on.

How To Become A Dentist in the USA?

Here is how to become a dentist in the USA: 

1. Earn a bachelor’s degree

When you want to apply to dental school, you need to have a bachelor’s degree. It does not matter what you studied in your bachelor’s, but if you focus on biology, it can help you get ready for dental school. 

Taking classes in chemistry, physics, and biology can be useful because you will use what you learn in these subjects in your dental career. Some students also join programs to learn more about dentistry before going to dental school.

2. Take the Dental Admission Test (DAT)

Before you start dental school, you will need to take a test called the Dental Admission Test (DAT). Dental schools look at your DAT score along with other things like your grades in college and letters of recommendation from your teachers or bosses. 

Each dental school has its requirements for DAT scores, so it is important to check what scores you need for the schools you want to apply to before you take the test.

3. Earn a dental degree

Once you finish your bachelor’s degree and take the DAT, you can start applying to dental school. Dental school lasts four years and leads to either a Doctorate of Dental Surgery (DDS) or a Doctorate of Dental Medicine (DMD). 

These degrees are pretty much the same in terms of education and what you learn, but they just have different names. For the first two years of dental school, you will mostly be in classrooms learning. 

Then, in the last two years, you will get to work in a real dental clinic, where you will learn hands-on skills and gain practical experience.

4. Become licensed

To become a dentist, you need to get a license from your state. First, you have to pass the National Board Dental Examinations (NBDE). It has two parts. These exams cover dental science, ethics, and how to do clinical procedures. 

Then, your state’s licensing board will approve a practical exam that you need to pass. Some states also ask for extra things, like CPR and first aid certification. They might even check your background and interview you to make sure you are a good fit for the job.

5. Choose a specialization

If you want to focus on specific dental problems or treat certain groups of people, like kids, you can specialize in different areas of dentistry. These specializations let you choose what you are most interested in and what matches your skills. 

They usually involve training programs that last from two to six years. This depends on what you are studying. So, if you are really into gums or working with children, you can go for those specialties.

6. Apply for positions

Once you finish your education, get your license, and maybe even specialize, it is time to start your dentistry career. You have a few options: you can open your practice or look for jobs in dental offices, clinics, or hospitals. 

It is a good idea to ask people you know in the industry if they know of any job openings. Your professional connections might have some helpful advice!

Dentist Salaries in the United States

The cost of dental insurance in the USA is quite expensive. This shows that frequent dentist’s appointments can put a toll on your pocket. 

The average yearly pay for a Dentist in the United States is about $189,979. That is around $91.34 per hour, or $3,653 each week, and $15,831 every month. Some dentists make as much as $338,000 a year, while others might earn as little as $59,500.

Most dentists earn between $131,000 and $236,000 annually, with the top earners making around $300,000. Your salary can vary a lot, depending on your skills, where you work, and how much experience you have.

What Are The Top 10 Highest Paying Cities for Dentist Jobs?

We found 10 cities where dentists make more money than the national average. Corcoran, CA is at the top of the list, followed by Malibu, CA, and Justin, TX. In Justin, TX, dentists earn $50,575 (26.6%) more than the national average, while in Corcoran, CA, they make $114,416 (60.2%) more.

These cities offer great opportunities for dentists to earn more money by moving there. Also, the salary differences among these cities are significant, with Corcoran, CA having the highest and Santa Monica, CA having the lowest. Please keep in mind that living costs vary. So you must consider that when deciding where to work and how much to earn.

CityAnnual SalaryMonthly PayWeekly PayHourly Wage
Corcoran, CA$304,395$25,366$5,853$146.34
Malibu, CA$240,577$20,048$4,626$115.66
Justin, TX$240,554$20,046$4,626$115.65
Berkeley, CA$236,770$19,730$4,553$113.83
Fort Belvoir, VA$236,162$19,680$4,541$113.54
North Bergen, NJ$231,274$19,272$4,447$111.19
Groton, MA$230,268$19,189$4,428$110.71
Renton, WA$229,125$19,093$4,406$110.16
Rohnert Park, CA$228,495$19,041$4,394$109.85
Santa Monica, CA$227,394$18,949$4,372$109.32

We found some jobs related to dentistry that pay even more than being a dentist.

For example, locum orthodontist positions can pay up to $119,423 (62.9%) more than the average dentist’s salary of $189,979.

Job TitleAnnual SalaryMonthly PayWeekly PayHourly Wage
Locum Orthodontist$309,402$25,783$5,950$148.75
Pediatric Dentist$277,314$23,109$5,332$133.32
Work From Home Endodontics Dentist$210,137$17,511$4,041$101.03
Part-Time Dentist$189,979$15,831$3,653$91.34

How Hard Is It To Become A Dentist?

Preparing to become a dentist might seem tough because of the education and tests you need to pass. But with good preparation, you can handle it well. You can get ready for the challenging courses in dental school is to take advanced science and math classes in high school. 

Also, getting a bachelor’s degree in biology, chemistry, anatomy, or a related field can help. Although tests like the DAT and NBDE cover tough topics, you can do well by taking a prep course, using online study materials, and doing practice exams.

How Long Does It Take To Become A Dentist?

Becoming a dentist takes a few years, but it depends on what kind of dentist you want to be. If you want to be a general dentist, it will take about eight years. This includes getting a bachelor’s degree, going to dental school, and passing exams. 

But if you want to specialize in something like orthodontics or pediatric dentistry, it will take longer. You might need to do extra training for two to six more years. So, in total, you might spend about 10 to 14 years on your education and training.

What Are The Dental Specialties You Can Pursue?

In dentistry, there are lots of special areas you can focus on, like helping with different dental problems or doing specific procedures. After you finish dental school, you can pick a specialty that interests you and matches your career goals. 

The American Dental Association (ADA) recognizes 10 dental specialties. For example, some dentists become experts in giving patients pain relief during procedures, while others work on improving the oral health of whole communities. 

Some dentists specialize in treating kids, fixing problems with tooth roots, doing surgeries around the mouth, or using imaging tools to diagnose issues. 

You could also choose to focus on studying the causes of dental diseases, helping patients with teeth alignment, treating gum problems, or making and fitting dental implants and dentures.

What Are The Benefits of a Career in Dentistry?

Dentists enjoy their jobs for many reasons. Helping people keep their teeth healthy and seeing how it makes them feel better is one big reason. 

They also like having a nice workplace, working full-time hours, and getting weekends and holidays off. They also earn a good salary and get benefits like healthcare.

Dentist Salary in USA Summary

CareerDescriptionAverage Salary
DentistClean teeth, diagnose and treat dental problems$189,979/year
General DentistDo regular checkups, clean teeth, fix cavities
Pediatric DentistCare for children’s teeth$277,314/year
OrthodontistFix crooked teeth and jaws
EndodontistDeal with tooth nerve issues
ProsthodontistDo cosmetic dentistry work
Oral SurgeonPerform surgeries for jaw or teeth problems

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How much is a dentist paid in the USA?

In the USA, dentists make around $189,979 every year on average. When you are just starting, you might earn about $50,000 a year, but as you gain more experience, you could make up to $215,000 annually.

2. What state pays dentists the most?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, dentists in the country make an average yearly wage of $160,370. Delaware stands out as the highest-paying state for dentists. It offers an average annual salary of $233,860.

3. What is the best-paid dentist?

The highest salary in dentistry in the US goes to dental anesthesiologists and oral and maxillofacial surgeons. They can earn between $290,000 and $400,000 per year.

4. Is dental school hard?

Dental school can be difficult because there’s so much to learn and do. You will have to study a lot and work hard in the clinic. Sometimes, it might feel like a lot to handle, and you might get tired. But don’t worry, it is normal to feel stressed or tired. Just take it one step at a time, and you will get through it.


You can become a dentist easily in the USA. You must get a bachelor’s degree, take the DAT, earn a dental degree, get licensed, and choose a specialization.

In total, it takes about eight years to become a general dentist and even longer to specialize. The dentist salary in USA can vary. It depends on various factors like your location, qualification, specialization etc. 

Being a dentist has many benefits in the USA. This includes helping people, having a good work environment, and making a good salary.

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