Press Release

Ziprent Takes a Stand Against Rental Scams, Empowering Renters with Safety Awareness

Ziprent Takes a Stand Against Rental Scams, Empowering Renters with Safety Awareness

Phoenix, Arizona – The struggle to find rental housing is already tough, and scammers exploit this vulnerability, preying on unsuspecting victims. Ziprent, a leading property management platform, is determined to put an end to these fraudulent activities by arming renters with the knowledge to identify red flags, protect themselves, and secure their dream homes safely.

Understanding Rental Scams

Rental scams thrive on urgency, targeting renters who need to act swiftly. Scammers concoct fake listings for desirable properties, aiming to deceive and extract money or sensitive information before their victims realize the truth.

Common types of rental scams include:

  • Phantom rentals: Fabricated listings showcasing non-existent properties.
  • Virtual rental tour scams: Exploiting pre-recorded or stolen footage to create an illusion of legitimacy.
  • Ad hijacking: Copying and modifying legitimate rental ads to deceive renters.
  • Identity theft: Using fabricated or legitimate rental applications to collect personal information.
  • Self-guided/showing scams: Posing as prospective renters to obtain access codes and deceive victims.

Identifying Rental Fraud Red Flags

Spotting fake listings requires vigilance. Here are key warning signs to watch for:

  • Unbelievably low prices: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
  • Poor grammar and excessive punctuation: Signs of hastily created listings or overseas origins.
  • MLS watermarks: Unauthorized use of images from the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) indicates a scam.
  • Absence of tenant screening processes: Legitimate landlords conduct background and credit checks.
  • Requests for personal information or money upfront: Scammers seek to exploit urgency and pressure victims into acting quickly.
  • Untraceable payment methods: Cryptocurrency or wire transfers raise suspicions.
  • Unverifiable property rental statuses: Lack of online presence or ownership records suggests a scam.
  • Unconventional requests: Strange requests regarding keys or access should raise alarms.

Platform-Specific Dangers

Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace are hotspots for rental scams due to lax verification processes. Renters should exercise caution and avoid transactions on these platforms whenever possible.

Ziprent’s Safeguards

Ziprent prioritizes renter safety with robust measures:

  • Identity verification: Prospective tenants undergo rigorous verification to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Immediate response to irregularities: Swift action, including on-site inspections and collaboration with law enforcement.
  • Real-time monitoring: Data analysis helps flag suspicious activity promptly.
  • Educational initiatives: Guides and resources empower renters to spot scams and protect themselves.


Renters must remain vigilant against rental scams, utilizing verified platforms like Ziprent to minimize risks. By staying informed and reporting suspicious activities, renters can contribute to a safer housing search for all.

To interview Arvand Sabetian, CEO of Ziprent, or for further information, please contact Daytona Everett at