
Trump Reveals Surprising Phone Call With Zuckerberg, What He Said About 2024 Election

Trump Reveals Surprising Phone Call With Zuckerberg, What He Said About 2024 Election

Following the July 13th assassination attempt on his life, former President Donald Trump provided Fox News with an analysis of a recent phone conversation he had with Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg. According to Trump, Zuckerberg is now solidly in his corner.

The 45th president spoke affectionately about his conversation with the founder of Facebook, who called him a “badass” for getting up after getting hit by a rifle shell and pumping his fist in the air, during an interview with Maria Bartiromo on Thursday. The incident was documented in a historic photograph of Trump’s bloodied face against the backdrop of the American flag. It was even scheduled to appear on the August cover of Time Magazine, but the social media behemoth unintentionally removed it. 

President Trump claims that Zuckerberg called to apologize and to make many other requests. “Mark Zuckerberg gave me a call, and he did it more than once. “That was really amazing, that was very brave,” he remarked over the phone to host Maria Baritomo after the event. “He actually announced he was not going to support a Democrat because he can’t, because he respected me for what I did that day,” he continued. “I believe that what I did was a typical reaction for me. However, Mark Zuckerberg gave me a call on the identical topic yesterday, the day before. And he did apologize, in fact. He claimed that, after realizing their error, they went on to say other things. About a similar censorship, he observed that “nobody called from Google.”

He went on, saying that Google has been worse than Facebook and that he had a hunch the company will soon be shut down because he didn’t think Congress would stand for it. Really, I don’t believe that.

Since the 2016 elections, Facebook has been under scrutiny from Washington due to allegations that Russian intelligence agents were using the social media site to disseminate false material about the campaigns of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Consequently, in an effort to cool the virtual town square that encourages ire and participation, Zuckerberg has instructed his company to limit political advertising and made a commitment to do so during congressional hearings. The founder of Facebook has also changed his public persona. He started kickboxing and posts videos of himself surfing on July 4th while drinking beer and waving an American flag.