
Russia Says Its Own and Chinese Bombers Carried Out Joint Patrol Near Alaska

Russia Says Its Own and Chinese Bombers Carried Out Joint Patrol Near Alaska

Two Chinese H-6 and two Russian TU-95 military aircraft were spotted and tracked by the North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD), a joint Canadian and American defense agency, on Wednesday as they were operating in the Alaska Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ). The four aircraft were intercepted by fighter jets from the US and Canada.

According to an annual military engagement plan, China and Russia conducted cooperative aviation strategic patrols over the Bering Sea today, a spokesman for China’s defense ministry says.

Chen Xiaogang claimed that it strengthened the two militaries’ strategic mutual trust and cooperation and had “nothing to do with the current international situation.” It did not target any third parties.

Citing the Russian defense ministry, the Russian state news outlet RIA also reported that Chinese and Russian military aircraft jointly patrolled close to the US state of Alaska. RIA has also confirmed that the aircraft did not invade the airspace of any other country. 

It has also been officially confirmed on X by Frontalforce


It occurs at a time when concerns about more military cooperation between the two countries are growing in the West. Thus, the United States of America remains concerned about the possibility of space warfare with China and Russia, believing that such combat may even involve the deployment of nuclear weapons.

Many countries, including Britain, have voiced concerns over Beijing’s more muscular foreign policy. Russia and China are two of the countries that Keir Starmer’s new director of strategic defense review, former NATO secretary-general Lord George Robertson, recently named as “deadly” threats to the United Kingdom.

Despite this, the command stated in a news release that “NORAD will continue to monitor competitor activity near North America and meet presence with presence.”