Underfunding of federally mandated special education services for public school students, coupled with a growing number of students with more severe...
Category - Funding
Center for the Future of Arizona (CFA) today released its education findings from the newly launched Arizona Voters’ Agenda, which identifies what likely...
When Page High School Teacher Carlos Begay surveyed his students at the beginning of their Navajo culture, language and government courses, students told him...
Nine candidates for Arizona governor said they wanted to improve the state of K-12 education at a forum hosted by The Arizona We Want Institute and sponsored...
A year after the Arizona Supreme Court decided the Legislature did not fund schools’ inflation costs for several years as it is legally required to, educators...
Arizona public school leaders say Impact Aid is a key funding source for schools on or near federal, military or tribal lands that are not subject to the state...
Superintendent of Public Instruction Diane Douglas announced that the Arizona Department of Education will not withhold state funding from Tucson Unified...
As the new school year begins, here are five K-12 public education issues to watch for developments in during the next several months. Some are new, and some...
Aspiring Valley entrepreneurs will pitch their business ideas to angel investors at the Oct. 14th inaugural event of Canyon Angels, a new initiative led by...
Arizona Community Foundation’s Vince Yanez said policymakers need to create a comprehensive plan for funding Arizona education instead of responding to crises...