
Justin Timberlake’s License Suspended During DWI Court Hearing

Justin Timberlake’s License Suspended During DWI Court Hearing

Following the consideration of a motion to dismiss the case against Timberlake, the judge in New York suspended the singer’s license due to his refusal to submit to a breathalyzer test when he was pulled over on June 18. Burke Jr. stated that the license will be suspended while the case is pending.

After around thirty minutes of hearing, Irace chastised Burke once more, telling him to “raise the bar, not lower it.”

Following the hearing, Burke Jr. told reporters that he would be “filing motions” and allowing “the content of those motions and the arguments contained therein speak for themselves.”

Burke Jr. upheld Timberlake’s assertion that he wasn’t drunk when he was stopped.

Burke Jr. stated he didn’t envision the judge putting in place a gag order against him when asked about the possibility.

“Hey, we all have jobs to do, and we’re obligated to zealously defend our clients, and that’s what I plan on doing,” he stated.

More than a month had passed since Timberlake was pulled over in the posh Hamptons neighborhood of Long Island, where he had failed field sobriety tests and been charged with driving while drunk. The hearing took place in Sag Harbor, New York.

The musician said that before getting stopped, he had only “one martini.” In a statement at the time, his lawyer Burke stated, “I look forward to vigorously defending Mr. Timberlake on these allegations,” following his not-guilty plea. While I’m waiting on the District Attorney’s office to provide me with full discovery, I will have a lot to say when the time is right.