
Family of Cheviot man accused of shooting brother wants him to get help

On Friday, the man who is suspected of shooting his brother in Cheviot appeared in court to answer to charges of felonious assault and domestic abuse. His siblings claimed to be worried about his behaviour, which is why they were present. They claimed that for a few days, he had been acting strangely. Joseph’s siblings thought he was trying to hurt himself when he pulled out a revolver. The brother was struck in the side by one of the gun’s two rounds. He stated in court that the injury was quite superficial. They requested that the judge establish a reasonable bond through Joseph’s attorney, but they had no intention of posting it. They’re hoping that Joseph’s incarceration would keep him safe. Getting him an urgent psychiatric assessment is the aim.

“They back him up. They desire that he receive mental health care. They want him out of jail,” the lawyer remarked. An offer of a temporary protection order was turned down by the family.

The judge set a $30,000 bond. Joseph’s release from jail is contingent upon their payment of $3,000.