Press Release

Raise the Wage AZ Celebrates Submission of Hundreds of Thousands of Signatures to AZ Secretary of State to Secure Statewide Ballot Measure Raising the Minimum Wage to $18 an hour & Abolishing Subminimum Wage for Tipped Workers

Ballot Measure Raising the Minimum Wage to $18 an hour

“We’re confident that the One Fair Wage ballot measure will fuel turnout from critical constituencies of voters who are ready to vote themselves a raise and ensure that all Arizonans, including tipped service workers, are able to earn a full and fair minimum wage to support themselves and their families”

Phoenix, AZ — Moments ago, the Raise the Wage AZ campaign submitted the required signatures to the office of the Arizona Secretary of State to secure a statewide ballot measure to raise Arizona’s minimum wage to $18 per hour for all workers, including tipped workers who will receive a full minimum wage with tips on top should the measure pass. Raise the Wage AZ exceeded the 255,929 signatures required by state law.

Saru Jayaraman, President of One Fair Wage, issued the following statement following the signature delivery:

“Today, hundreds of thousands of Arizonans joined forces to send a clear message to state lawmakers that every hard-working resident deserves to earn a living wage. Come November, we’re confident that the One Fair Wage ballot measure will fuel turnout from critical constituencies of voters who are ready to vote themselves a raise and ensure that all Arizonans, including tipped service industry workers, are able to earn a full and fair minimum wage to support themselves and their families.

“This massive undertaking was only made possible by the tireless work of hundreds of signature gatherers, the vast majority of whom are low-wage workers and People of Color. We’re endlessly thankful for their efforts and ready for the fight ahead.”